
Assalamu’alaikum wr..wb

     Everyone must have ideals, ambitions, and dreams in his life. I set some ideals, ambitions and dreams to pursue because by writing dreams then we will try to pursue the dream and directed. There is a slogan that says "write your dreams as much as possible" because by writing many dreams the possibility of one of the dreams written will be achieved. Aamiin ....
     My dream is to buy a high-specified mobile phone and have a high megafixel camera that makes it easy for me to take pictures and capture every new scene to places I have never visited. 

My desire now during college wants to get a minimum GPA of 3.00 and I igin apply for scholarships so ease my parents burden in finance my college and finished college as soon as possible
     My dream 5 years into the future I want to become a teacher and become a successful young entrepreneur. pioneered an effort from my hobby of making a cake. I'm going to build a cake shop. If the business I run is successful, I will open a bigger branch again to reduce the number of unemployment in Indonesia, especially in my area. In addition to the desire, I want to be able to speak English so I can talk to foreigners. And of all my desires, surely I want to make my parents happy and the environment. My last wish is that I hope that everything I want can be achieved

  Wassalamu'alaikum wr..wb


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