Let The Pictures Talk
With a simple camera, I try to give the best pictures
• The Radakng House
Location: Jl Sutan Syahrir, Kota Baru, Pontianak
• The Mujahidin Mosque
Location: Jl Jendral A. Yani
• A Pointed Bamboo Monument
Location: Bundaran Universitas Tanjungpura, Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani
The monument is in the form of 11 tall bamboo towering into space, each different in size which was inaugurated on November 10, 1987. characterize 11 warrior figures from different regions. The color is greenish yellow like bamboo in general. The pointed bamboo is taken as a symbolic form of the struggle of the Indonesian nation.
• The Radakng House
Location: Jl Sutan Syahrir, Kota Baru, Pontianak
Radakng House in Pontianak earned the title of Indonesian Record Museum as the largest custom house in Indonesia. With a building length of 138 meters and 5 meters wide. The building can accommodate over 600 people. This building has a very wide page that is used for traditional ceremonies or other events
Rumah Radakng di Pontianak mendapatkan gelar dari Museum Rekor Indonesia sebagai rumah adat terbesar di Indonesia. Dengan ukuran panjang bangunan sebesar 138 meter dan lebar 5 meter. Bangunan ini dapat menampung lebih dari 600 orang. Bangunan ini memiliki halaman yang sangat luas yang biasa digunakan untuk upacara adat atau pun acara lainnya.
Location: Jl Jendral A. Yani
The name "Mujahidin" was proposed by Achmad Mawardi Djafar with the intention to perpetuate the struggle of the Muslims in presenting Indonesian independence, especially in West Kalimantan. The typical architecture of West Kalimantan is more highlighted. In addition, the building of the mosque is also made two-story with an area of 60 meters x 60 meters on an area of approximately 4 hectares. There is a large dome of golden color. The parking area is also expanded. This new condition, the Great Mosque of Mujahideen can accommodate up to 9 thousand worshipers. The outside courtyard of the mosque can also accommodate approximately as many as 1,600 pilgrims who will worship at the mosque of the Great Mujahideen.
Nama “Mujahidin” diusulkan oleh Achmad Mawardi Djafar dengan maksud untuk mengabadikan perjuangan kaum muslimin dalam mempersembahkan kemerdekaan Indonesia, khususnya di Kalimantan Barat. Arsitektur khas Kalimantan Barat lebih ditonjolkan. Selain itu, bangunan masjid juga dibuat bertingkat dua dengan luas 60 meter x 60 meter di atas lahan seluas kurang lebih 4 hektar. Terdapat kubah besar bewarna keemasan. Kawasan parkir juga diperluas. Kondisi yang baru ini, masjid Raya Mujahidin dapat menampung hingga 9 ribu jamaah. Halaman luar masjid pun juga bisa menampung kurang lebih sebanyak 1.600 mobil jamaah yang akan beribadah di masjid Raya Mujahidin.
• A Pointed Bamboo Monument
Location: Bundaran Universitas Tanjungpura, Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani
The monument is in the form of 11 tall bamboo towering into space, each different in size which was inaugurated on November 10, 1987. characterize 11 warrior figures from different regions. The color is greenish yellow like bamboo in general. The pointed bamboo is taken as a symbolic form of the struggle of the Indonesian nation.
Monumen ini berbentuk 11 bambu runcing yang menjulang tinggi ke angkasa, masing-masing berbeda ukuran yang diresmikan pada tanggal 10 November 1987. mencirikan 11 tokoh pejuang berasal dari berbagai daerah berbeda. Warnanya kuning kehijauan layaknya bamboo pada umumnya. Bambu runcing diambil sebagai bentuk simbolis perjuangan bangsa Indonesia.
- UKM Parachute Towels Location Sekretariat :Jl M. Isja. Ex.Cafe Nineteen.
UKM Parachute Towels that take shelter in West Kalimantan Fasida often
follow the championships in various events Nasional. UKM Parachute Towels
Is the only UKM that exist in Indonesia.
Terjung payung Untan yang bernaung di Fasida Kalbar seringkali mengikuti
kejuaraan di berbagai event Nasional. UKM Terjun Payung Untan merupakan
UKM satu-satunya yang ada di indonesia.
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