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P : PUSPAWANTI F1271171038 S : SRI HARTINI F1261171009                 Setting : at a stopping place for public vehicles, a cafe, Mujahidin Mosque. Situation : Puspa and Sri meet at the bus stop. They get acquainted and Puspa ask Sri to accompany him to the tourist attractions in Pontianak Puspa : Excuse me, may I ask? Sri       : yes please.           Puspa  : Where are the frequent tourist attractions in Pontianak? Sri       : A frequent place to visit is usually the Mujahidin Mosque, the Garden is written, Radank House and Museum. Puspa  : Which of these places is interesting to visit? Sri       : Usually, people outside of Pontianak visit Mujahidin Mosque and Museum more often. Maybe it's a suggestion I can give you. By the way, who's yo...

video submission 2

Manfaat Daun Bidara 1. Menyembuhkan luka dengan cepat daun herbal untuk menyembuhkan luka dengan cepat. Daun ini akan menghentikan pendarahan dan mengeringkan luka agar cepat pulih sehingga tidak meninmbulkan luka baru. 2. Penghilang depresi Khasiat daun bidara yang selanjutnya yaitu dapat menghilangkan depresi. Daun ini dapat membuat Anda lebih rileks dan membuat syaraf Anda lebih tenang. Anda pun tidak akan merasakan stress maupun depresi yang berlebihan. 3. Meningkatkan nafsu makan Khasiat daun bidara untuk tubuh juga bagus dalam menambah nafsu makan. Daun ini sebaiknya digunakan bagi Anda yang sering telat makan dan sibuk dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Nafsu makan Anda pun akan meningkat. 4. Anti diabetes Khasiat daun bidara juga ampuh untuk mencegah diabetes. Bagi Anda yang sudah terjangkit diabetes juga bisa mencoba daun ini sebagai obat alami yang akan menjaga kadar gula dalam darah. Itulah mengapa daun ini disebut sebagai daun anti diabetes. 5. Mencegah bakter...

Favorite Travelling Experience

Among my trips I prefer to share my holiday experiences to Sajingan Besar waterfall Riam and border Aruk (Indonesia) Sarawak (Malaysia). I went to the Sajingan Besar in August this year, I visited a beautiful place on the Sajingan Besar the cascade of cascading waterfalls. Motorbikes can not get in, so me and my friends walking along the cliff hill on the cliff side is a ravine so me and my friends are very careful in stepping foot, especially when I visit there rain down and make the road becomes slippery. Arriving there all the fatigue is paid by the beauty of nature that still awake its beauty. The people who visited already crowded once crowded the waterfall. Me and my friends immediately rushed to put bags and rest for a while. My friends are busy swimming, diving, bathing but not with me. I just soak in a shallow place because I can not swim. After about an hour we enjoy the waterfall Riam instant rain, I, my friends, and other visitors rushed to immediately ride due to weath...

Best Friend or close friends

Best Friends or close friends? in my opinion, a close friend or friend is someone who is always there when I need them, not only those who are always there for me but I also have to be there for them. I have 3 friends namely Fitriani Agustri, Lis Cahya, and Usi. How do I know them? When in high school we were friends How do we become friends? From my perspective , we become good friends because they feel comfortable with each other, feeling there is a match of behavior and nature. What do I like and I do not like them?    Many things I like about them, like their simplicity, simple here I mean their simple appearance does not always follow the trend or commonly called child slang and they are what it is, when speaking in accordance with the facts. They never complained or tired of listening to my vent. They always reprimand and give advice when what I am doing is wrong, comforting me when I am sad with their silly and funny behavior. What I do not lik...

Eat and Be Happy

Today's teenagers prefer or love places that have many unique photo spots to upload on social media. Cafe N 'Resto Kapulage is located at Jl Abdurrahman Saleh 1A No. 12 Pontianak, West Kalimantan Indonesia is a great place because it has unique photo spots and one of the best culinary in Pontianak City which offers various special menu and cozy atmosphere to gather with friends and family with relatively affordable price. Now I will review the contemporary drink that will spoil the culinary lovers, the blue mango, fresh and delicious. During the daytime and you happen to have a free time, maybe you need a fresh drink? Blue manggo is the answer! Not just offering a sense and a fresh sensation, the color of this drink also makes you feel again on the beach reminiscent of the daytime beach breeze, where while enjoying the natural panorama of these drinks are present accompany. Drinks for Rp 15,000 is a lightweight soda mix, mandarin orange, and basil seeds, which are served...

video submission 1

Nama : Puspawanti NIM : F1261171038 Prodi: Pendidikan IPS/1A -INDONESIA 10 Cara merawat kesehatan mata 1. Makan banyak buah-buahan dan sayuran Wortel sarat akan beta karoten yang sangat membantu dalam menjaga kesehatan mata. Itu dikarenakan beta karoten merupakan antioksidan yang dapat mengurangi risiko degenerasi makula. 2. Hindari memakai lensa kontak selama lebih dari 19 jam Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan mata permanen serta ketidaknyamanan pada mata Anda. Jangan pula memakai kacamata terlalu lama. 3. Kurangi penggunaan tetes mata Mengurangi pemakaian obat tetes mata. Menggunakan tetes mata untuk mengatasi mata merah boleh saja, namun hanya sesekali. Jika berlebihan, itu malah akan merusak kesehatan mata Anda. 4. Gunakan mentimun Gunakan mentimun untuk mengompres kelopak mata Anda. Taruh irisan mentimun yang dingin dan lembut di atas kelopak mata selama 10 menit sebelum tidur di malam hari untuk mencegah bengkak. 5. Pakailah kacamata hitam pe...

Three Levels of Government

Three Levels of Government I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words from the passage 1. Officials C. People appointed or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or government department 2. Mayor A. An official in charge of a government department 3. Senators A. Members of a senate 4. Entrust B. To put (something) into someone’s car or protection 5. Interest B. a share or a right in the ownership of a property in a commercial or financial undertaking II. Decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false one 1.False. Correct : Adult American citizens have a voice in all three levels of government 2. False. Correct: State government is in charge of writing and enforcing laws for all the people within one state. 3.True 4. False. Correct:   the federal government can print money 5. True III Short Answer 1.Local, state, and federal 2.The mayor and city co...