P : PUSPAWANTI F1271171038 S : SRI HARTINI F1261171009 Setting : at a stopping place for public vehicles, a cafe, Mujahidin Mosque. Situation : Puspa and Sri meet at the bus stop. They get acquainted and Puspa ask Sri to accompany him to the tourist attractions in Pontianak Puspa : Excuse me, may I ask? Sri : yes please. Puspa : Where are the frequent tourist attractions in Pontianak? Sri : A frequent place to visit is usually the Mujahidin Mosque, the Garden is written, Radank House and Museum. Puspa : Which of these places is interesting to visit? Sri : Usually, people outside of Pontianak visit Mujahidin Mosque and Museum more often. Maybe it's a suggestion I can give you. By the way, who's yo...